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Mini Messages from March!

March 16-  Siem Reap

Getting used to being in our new home that God provided! Praise the Lord! The silly puppies are loving it too! We've been having guests over off and on and that's been a huge blessing for us! So grateful for brothers and sisters in Christ!

We are continually praying for God's guidance and direction for where He wants us ministry wise. We have contacted some ministries, are looking for more opportunities and are waiting on some responses. Please pray God will direct our steps and continue to provide!

On Monday Hannah and I have bus tickets to Bangkok! Lord willing, we will bus there Monday, go to the doctor on Tuesday. I'm still having upper abdominal pain, most of the time its dull. However, it's been a while and I've been praying about going ahead and getting it taken care of! We'll be heading to the same hospital as before, Bangkok Hospital. I'm very encouraged by how professional it is and praise the Lord, I'll be seeing a GI specialist. As far as my ovaries go, that is already being taken care of. I'm on medicine for 3 months and that is to get that part of my body back on track! I'm really thankful for all the prayers, thoughts and encouragement I've received from everyone and want to say THANK YOU so much!! I really do appreciate it!

  • -Please pray for Hannah and I as we travel

  • -Please pray that God would provide the right doctor, give wisdom to the doctor to find the real issue and how to treat it! 

  • -Please just pray for Gods continual provision! Thanks bunches! :)

#PraiseTheLordForHisProvisionAndFaithfulness #BlessedInManyWays 
@ Siem Reap

March 18Annie Russum is with Hannah Ferguson in Bangkok, Thailand.

  Made it safely to Bangkok this evening, praise the Lord! Jesus took care of us. Thank you so so much for praying!

The trip didnt seem super long, no car sickness, we got through the border quicker than expected! We got everything that we needed to finished today! Jesus provided!


TOMORROW: Going to see the doctor in the morning! Please pray God will give wisdom to the doctors to find the issue and to know what to do to fix it! And for God's continued provision.

Thank you so much for the thoughts and prayers, I appreciate it more than you know and am very grateful!

#PraiseJesus #TakingCareOfTheBigAndTheLittle 
@ Bangkok, Thailand

March 21  - Bangkok Hospital โรงพยาบาลกรุงเทพ.


Thanks for your prayers! Health update from Bangkok!

TUESDAY: Went to see a GI Specialist, she talked with me, did a check up and made a plan! She wanted to start with a series of tests. Found out that we needed to wait for the insurance to come through with a garuntee of payment! So spent the rest of the day trying to figure that out.
WEDNESDAY: Woke up and went to see the insurance people bright and early! Found out that the insurance in the states was sending stuff to the wrong email, so we fixed that! However, 8pm my time was the next time insurance in the states was open. So we waited! 
THURSDAY: Praise the Lord! Jesus had been working lots through the whole process and the guarentee of payment came through! So I got one test and prep medication for my procedures tomorrow!

TOMORROW: We'll be at the hospital bright in early in the morning for a endoscopy and colonoscopy as well as an ultrasound and blood tests!

Thanks for your prayers and thoughts and encouragements, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it! Jesus has REALLY been working through the whole thing. I'm grateful for how He has used others, that the insurance went through, and that He is taking care of me!


  • Please pray for the procedures tomorrow to go well, that things will be clear, for wisdom for the doctors, for real answers and for me to not feel too icky from it all! Thank you so very much! :)


SIDENOTE: Because Hannah and I had to wait all day Wednesday we thought we should do something since we are in Bangkok! However, not feeling super energetic so we thought a less strenuous activity would be good. SO we went to see Captain Marvel in theaters here! Not the most cultural thing we could have done but it was a good fit! We really enjoyed that!

#Thankful #SeeingGodWork #Trusting #BangkokHospital#HospitalShinanigans #CaptainMarvel #Prayer 

@ Bangkok Hospital โรงพยาบาลกรุงเทพ

March 31


Got back from Thailand on Thursday late! Praise the Lord. Thanks for all the prayers for my health!! Went to a few doctors appts., had lots of tests, waited for the insurance a while and had a procedure! Tests and the procedures showed that my intestines and stomach are not happy campers!! The doctor said from the information she has she thinks its a chronic form of colitis. Basically, sometimes my intestines get all flared up, irritated and swollen for a period of time. However, the good news is that medicine and diet changes can help! I just have to learn! So praise God for knowing the issue and an idea of what to do! My stomach also just needs help producing something that it lacks. So again, medicine and diet change are things that should help. I'm taking the meds now and already feeling better than before! Praise God! 2 Weeks from now I have a follow up with the same specialist I saw to see if the medicine is working the way it should!


ALSO, HUGE PRAISE, the insurance covered almost everything which was a big chunk!! So grateful for God's provision in that!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS!!!

Hannah and I ended up waiting a while for insurance and for biopsy results. So we thought while we waited we would make the most of some of those days and find some inexpensive things to do! We ended up watching movies, going to malls to just walk and look around and going to a night market to look around.

#PraiseGodForHisProvision #ThankfulForHIsCare #HeIsOurFather#WeAreHisChildren #PraiseGodForALittleBitOfFunInTheMidstOfIt

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