April Accounts
April 15 - Kampong Chhnang Province.
Praise the Lord for how He has taken care of me! Went to Bangkok again for a follow up. The medicine is helping, got some new medicine and switched up some dosages. Learning how to take care of it! Praise the Lord, God also provided for a new phone. (mine drove away in a taxi a few weeks ago)
Thanks for your prayers, Jesus is taking care of me.
Also, its Khmer New Year here! This is the biggest holiday here and lasts from 3 days to 2 weeks. So Jesus provided that I go visit my friends in the village. They are like family and I'm happy to have the opportunity to spend a few days in the village. Traveled here yesterday safely praise God.
#God'sProvision #PraiseTheLord #Getting Better #KhmerNewYear #Friends#Village @ Kampong Chhnang Province
April 26
Khmer New Year celebration started around the 14th. God provided an opportunity to ride down to Kampong Chhnang with friends. While I was in the village I stayed with my friends Sister Sothiya, Sister Somaly and Sister Sheanghai for a few days. These ladies are like family to me and they have been faithful friends since I came to Cambodia the first time. I always love spending time with their families and spending peaceful time in the village.
Thanks for prayers. My health is doing better. Sorry I haven't updated much about ministry stuff. God is working and He is asking me to be patient! Which is hard, but I know God has something planned and He wants me to wait on His timing. I have a few opportunities, some I'm praying about and some in the works. Also planning to teach English and computer to friends when they have time!
Another exciting thing... God has provided for me to study online but teaching English as a second language. I love teaching English especially to kids but I'm no expert on grammar or why English is the way it is! So I'm excited that I will be taking until the end of June to study ESL online. The program is flexible, do it when you can type, so I can be doing ministry at the same time. Please pray for me as I try to learn more.
Really appreciate all the prayers and encouragement I receive.
Please pray for discernment and God's continual guidance! I want to follow Him! Let me know how I can be praying for you!!
#KhmerNewYear #Thankful #GodIsFaithful#WaitOnHim #FollowingJesus
@ Kampong Chhnang Province